Been home for five days and all is well. No real problems, and as bad as I thought the eating part was going to be, it's really no big deal. I did not have to change anything, just no raw tomatoes, no problem. I feel really good, balance, eye sight, and overall thinking (feel smarter), has improved tremendously. My walking has also improved, although I can only walk really slow and not very far. I no longer wall and furniture surf to get around the house. No aid needed in house anymore, slowly but surely taking short walks outside with walker. Feeling some tingling in my hands right now, from the wrist down about 80 percent of the day, but I can deal with that. My appetite has been good and I weight the same as I did when I went into the hospital for HSCT.
As it turned out, the no raw tomatoes issue was never a point. We don't really know how this crept into his discharge orders. As Amy Morgan later confirmed, he can eat raw tomatoes as long as they are washed thoroughly. Here is what it says on the Discharge Instruction Note:
Diet (for 3 month): Avoid foods that may be contaminated such as salad bars and deli counters. Remember to wash all of your fruits and vegetables. Use separate cutting boards for raw meats. Wash your hands immediately after handling raw meats. Avoid raw eggs, meats and fish.
Other positive things that are happening: He walks up and down the stairs in our house without a problem.
We made several shopping trips to the mall when the outside temperature hit 100°F. Something completely unthinkable before his transplant. He did not melt down like a snowman in the sun. He does not need much help anymore to do daily chores. I don't have to cut his meat any more. He can pour water into his cup without spilling it all over the table. His eyes have calmed down and he is now able to read. His vision seems to be better overall. But his eyes are still far away from being normal, they are still spinning around and he still has double vision when he takes off his glasses. But "they are not as annoying any more" as he says. He sleeps now during the night and is awake during the day. His energy level is really good.
He has started to do his daily exercises which consist of various stretching routines and special exercises to improve his balance. He is also using a resistance stretch band to regain more control over his arms and hands.
He uses a rubber ball to strengthen his grip and also 2 golf balls to improve his fine motor skills.
During the 2nd week he got really ambitious and started to do squats to strengthen his legs. He is paying for his effort with sore legs right now, but he says it is all worth it.
Outside he is still using his walker, but we are going to try walking without aide on even surface outside pretty soon too.
It is hard for him to be patient, he wants to go back to his home really badly.
Thanks for sharing Nico's journey. I'm for Hsct in Russia in May next year so it's good to follow his journey and prepare myself :) hope Nico has the best outcome!